The Index

Welcome to The Index — Set Studio’s newsletter.

Our regular newsletter features links to stunning websites, thoughtful writing and great resources.


Posts in: The Index

The Index: Issue #16

We hope you enjoy this issue’s collection of delightful links. Our favourite this week has to be Chris Coyier’s “Other People’s Busted Software is an Opportunity”, which highlights the importance of stability (and user-focused design).

The Index: Issue #15

Happy Monday! We've got a great combination of interesting articles and lovely visuals this week. Our favourite is probably Glasgow Print Fair. It's a great demonstration how simplicity enhances stunning look and feel work, while making the page super fast.

The Index: Issue #14

Welcome back! We’ve had a short break while we’ve been iterating (we’re big into that) on what this newsletter is all about. Using a combination of analytics data from our email provider and qualitative research, we’re making some format changes. Instead of the focus of the newsletter being about stunning websites, we’re flipping it to […]

The Index: Issue #13

It’s lucky issue #13 of The Index this week and our focus is websites that really push the boundaries to produce a truly creative and interactive experience.

The Index: Issue #12

It's all about restaurants and food places in this issue. Food is a great context to get super creative and these sites do exactly that.

The Index: Issue #11

In this issue, we're focusing on more minimal websites because you certainly can do less with more. Consider it a palate cleanser after a few issues of very animated websites.

The Index: Issue #10

This week, to celebrate milestone 10th issue of the Index, we're going to share some extremely creative, delightful stuff we've found on the World Wide Web.

The Index: Issue #9

Something we always aspire to is that Set Studio produces interactive articles with clients that enhance the story they're trying to tell. I've long being a fan of how interactive articles help to really illustrate a concept and help the reader get a broader understanding. This week, we're going to share some of our all-time favourites.

The Index: Issue #8

We have an unhealthy font purchasing habit here in the studio, so we thought that this week, we'd share some of our favourite font landing pages. Enjoy!

The Index: Issue #7

Happy Monday! To celebrate the launch of our brand new website, we’re showcasing some other great agency sites we’ve seen in the wild in this issue of The Index. Hot Buro ⚠️ Motion warning This one is bold, that’s for sure. I really like the contrast of black on yellow — a fantastic monochromatic style. […]

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