First of all, thanks for stopping by. The Set Studio team and I really appreciate that. I thought it would be a good idea to use our first post to let you know what our plans are for this blog.
In the studio, we’re aiming to use this blog to help make the web better as a whole. We think a good way to do that is by helping people produce better visual design, user experience, strategy and front-end development work. Mixed with this, we’re going to share great design that we’ve found on the web too.
The Index newsletter
You may remember the newsletter that I used to run a few years ago: the Piccalilli Newsletter. Back then, I used to feature lovely websites, inspiring articles, helpful tutorials and signal-boost content from writers who weren’t getting nearly enough attention for their great writing.
We’re going to do near-enough the same thing with this blog, which will double up as a newsletter, because a big portion of the nearly 3,000 subscribers to the Piccalilli Newsletter would actively reply to issues, commenting on how useful they found the newsletter.
We’re going to call this newsletter, The Index and each issue of The Index will be interwoven with the rest of the blog, because we believe it should be web first, not email first. Sure, people can subscribe to the newsletter so it arrives in their inboxes, but our focus will be web. You can subscribe to updates via RSS to get updated each time we publish an issue, or subscribe to all posts on our blog.
You can subscribe to the RSS feed here, or subscribe to the emails here.
I’m a huge believer in giving back to the community that helped me learn my trade. I’ve been in the industry for 15 years now and I definitely stood on the shoulders of giants who published useful tutorials and guides.
We provide heaps of skill and value for our clients, but we also want to share that with the World Wide Web. We will be producing articles that help you become better at designing for the web initially with our upcoming series, Little Design Tips.
The focus of Little Design Tips will be small, actionable tricks that will help you to produce better interfaces that have that little bit of extra detail, to make them look polished and professional. You can subscribe to an RSS feed, here and the first one will be getting published soon.
Because we are an agency that focuses on designing and building excellent websites, all of the upcoming Little Design Tips will teach you how to implement them with HTML, CSS, and where appropriate, JavaScript.
Wrapping up
We’re really looking forward to building up something really great with this blog and we can’t wait to see you around on here!
Hey there, we are Set Studio.
We’re a small but nimble, distributed design and development studio
The web is truly global, so our rare combination of highly technical and highly creative designers produce stunning websites that work for everyone.